How much is my property worth?
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Most accurate estimate in just 30 sec
PropWorth is ~98% accurate. See how
PropWorth coverage gets bigger with each day
PropWorth delivers data-driven estimates with 98% accuracy
Rich data ecosystem
  • Robust dataset built on 1 Crore+ listings posted every year
  • With real-world insights from 30,000+ Agents
Advanced data modeling
We use advanced data models like Dynamic Factor Models, Factor-Augmented Vector, and Autoregressions to identify pricing factors across markets
AI-powered precision
Our AI model, trained rigorously on 15 years of data with 3 crore+ listings, predicts property values accurately
Keeps getting better
We're developing new ML models to accurately price 50,000 projects and 5,500 localities across 30 cities with an error margin of just +-2%
Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is PropWorth?
    PropWorth is an advanced property valuation tool designed to help property buyers and sellers know the estimated price for any property. It uses vast amount of data coupled with cutting-edge machine learning algorithms and real-time market analysis to calculate the estimated worth of properties with accuracy.
    • How does PropWorth estimate the price?
    • What property details are required to get a price estimate with PropWorth?
    • What if my PropWorth estimate is too high or too low?
    • My PropWorth estimate range is too wide. How to get a precise estimate?
    • Does the PropWorth algorithm ever change?